How to Transform Envy Into Personal Growth


Everyday there’s another famous Instagram model, popular YouTuber, viral Tik-Tokker, or public figure who seems to have it all. If you didn’t already have a complex that you’re not good enough, well, now you do : ) The constant barrage of images of success and perfection can make you feel depressed and resentful that you don’t possess what these lucky folks seem to have. But what if your envy of these people isn’t just a negative, painful feeling you have to deal with? What if it’s actually a meaningful process that can show you the path to enlightenment? 

In today’s episode, I guide you through an exercise in which you embody the ideals you project onto someone, and use them for your personal growth. In fact, you’re going to discover how the person you’re envious of is actually you! 

You don’t need a million dollars or a thin body to experience what you’re after. I mean, become a skinny millionaire if you want but it’s not the point. The point is that you can use your envy of people to expand your self-awareness and develop your personal power. You can use it to help you begin living these awesome parts of yourself. This will not only improve your life, it will spark your personal growth and help you begin to transform problems such as depression and anxiety.