How to Process What You Dislike About Someone


The people that come into your life do so, in part, to awaken you, make you more self-aware, and help you evolve. These peoples’ personalities and actions reflect something in your psyche—not literally, but symbolically. The quality you dislike in them is a quality in yourself you need to embrace more! What!? Yup, you need to become more like them—(again, not literally, especially if they’re mean, abusive, racist, etc.)–but in a conscious, positive way. 

For example, being irritated at someone’s selfishness means you need to be more “selfish” by following your own needs—not in an insensitive way like the other person may being doing it, but in an aware, constructive way. Or, say you dislike someone who uses their power to oppress and hurt people. Their behavior is awful but the question is, how can you use your own power in a positive way? 

This episode shows you how to process what bothers you about people by using it for your personal growth. I guide you through an exercise in which you identify something you dislike in someone, find it’s positive version, and integrate it into your life. This will help you connect with your inner healing, wisdom, and happiness.