How to Use Songs that Pop into Your Mind for Healing and Growth!

Music is emotional flow, and there’s literally an emotional flow state trying to happen in you in every moment. If it’s consciously perceived, it manifests as authentic feelings of joy, creativity, love, personal power, spirit, a sense of freedom, etc. If it’s not in your awareness, it manifests as a problem (depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.) that disturbs you in order to force a process of change that can connect you with your deeper self.

One way we instinctively try to access this flow state is through music. Your favorite songs bypass your mind’s conflicts, blocks, walls, and habits and touch into the marginalized parts of your psyche—those that hold the keys to personal change and growth. If you can do this, even for a minute, you’ve done psychotherapy on yourself, and you’ll experience a sense of healing, growth, and wisdom.