How One Song Healed a Year of Sadness


Sandy, a 46 year-old receptionist, had been depressed ever since her divorce a year earlier, and despite doing her best to get on with life she couldn’t seem to break out of her sadness. I asked her to describe her feelings in detail and she said, “I feel lost and sad and empty but I try not to focus on it. It’s such a struggle.”

I suggested she focus directly on these feelings but she shook her head. “Aren’t you going to help me get rid of this? I don’t want to focus on it.”

“I understand, it’s painful, but by exploring it we may learn something,” I replied. “Let’s go further into it and see where it goes. In fact, feel it even more. Get even more lost, sad, and empty.”

She shrugged her shoulders as if to say, “This doesn’t makes sense to me but I’ll try anything at this point.”

She closed her eyes and I encouraged her to feel lost, sad, and empty, and even exaggerate the feelings. After a while she opened her eyes and said, “Sorry, I’m having trouble because I’m hearing a song in my head. As soon as I go all the way into my sadness and really feel it this song comes in and distracts me.”

Instead of considering the song a “distraction,” I helped her focus directly on it and process her experience. It transformed her life by giving her the state of mind and heart she needed for getting free of her depression. Following your process closely can heal an intractable problem and bring you wisdom, personal growth, and well-being.