Try these simple and effective personal growth methods for processing and transforming problems like depression, anxiety, attention deficit, trauma, and relationship conflict.

Your enlightenment lies just below the surface.

Your enlightenment lies just below the surface.

Close your eyes and come into the present moment. Gently scan your feelings and notice what you experience—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Take a few minutes to pay attention to whatever’s going on. Then slowly and carefully scan for a more subtle feeling—an...

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Raise yourself higher!

Raise yourself higher!

Start your week by raising yourself higher! You have so much more strength, power, resilience, and creativity than you realize. Vision yourself having made a change you need to make. Imagine it. Feel it. Stand up and walk around the room embodying it. How will you...

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Your problems are your agents of growth.

Your problems are your agents of growth.

The psyche has two main interacting parts. One, is our primary identity. It speaks in “I” statements. "I’m so-and-so, this is what I want, like, dislike, think, feel, believe, etc.. I call this our "First Mind" because it’s the first thing that comes into our...

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You can rise above your limiting beliefs!

You can rise above your limiting beliefs!

Life has a way of disempowering people. But our power doesn’t disappear. Shut out of consciousness, it slinks around in in the shadows of our subconscious. Then it bursts forth in depression, anxiety, attention deficit, physical symptoms and illness, and in extreme...

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Your body has the answers.

Your body has the answers.

Solving a life problem is difficult because no matter how objective we think we are, we get entangled in our subjective interpretations. So, where can we find objective information about ourself? Our body. Beyond all our “theories" about who we are is an objective...

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Tap into your natural wisdom.

Tap into your natural wisdom.

A hugely important theory in physics called quantum gravity confirms that at the most fundamental level of the universe everything is interconnected. Our bodies really ARE made of stardust, and our psyches actually ARE woven into the fabric of space-time. Therefore,...

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Worry less.

Worry less.

In these stressful times, anxiety and worry have become so commonplace we’ve normalized them. Whether it’s full fledged panic attacks or just a chronic, subtle background sense of apprehension, we’ve gotten used to it. Here’s a simple exercise to prevent you from...

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