Self-Help Exercises

Your enlightenment lies just below the surface.

Close your eyes and come into the present moment. Gently scan your feelings and notice what you experience—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Take a few minutes to pay attention to whatever’s going on. Then slowly and carefully scan for a more subtle feeling—an...

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Raise yourself higher!

Start your week by raising yourself higher! You have so much more strength, power, resilience, and creativity than you realize. Vision yourself having made a change you need to make. Imagine it. Feel it. Stand up and walk around the room embodying it. How will you...

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Your problems are your agents of growth.

The psyche has two main interacting parts. One, is our primary identity. It speaks in “I” statements. "I’m so-and-so, this is what I want, like, dislike, think, feel, believe, etc.. I call this our "First Mind" because it’s the first thing that comes into our...

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